Our name says it all:
Agents Only

We firmly believe that everything begins with The Agent. By disrupting mature labor markets and leveraging our unique platform, we're able to attract the best talent—individuals trained by top companies. Because we provide them with what they truly seek, they remain dedicated to your brand, ensuring consistency and quality in every interaction.

Intuitive integration

Icon illustrating 3 human figures with one standing on a podium, representing agent empowerment.

Agent Empowerment

We firmly believe that everything begins with our agents. When you have the best agents, treat them with care, and provide them with what they desire, they, in turn, will go above and beyond to exceed our clients' expectations.

Icon showing a ship's steering wheel and blue arrows, symbolizing navigation or control.

Redefining Industry Focus

Traditionally, the industry has primarily focused on the client side, often neglecting the treatment of agents. We are convinced that this approach results in suboptimal outcomes for clients in the long run. Our platform disrupts traditional employment models and targets experienced, self-driven professionals who can add value to organizations without layers of management.

Icon labeled 'Aligning goals.svg' portraying a funnel leading to a dollar sign, suggesting financial targeting or investment.

Aligning Goals for Mutual Success

Our primary goal is to surpass client expectations by affording our agents flexibility, performance-based culture, and opportunities for enhanced compensation. We achieve this by aligning client Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) with the agent's star rating. The better an agent performs, the more they are compensated.

Network of 20,000+ agents

Our network boasts over 20,000 rigorously screened and trained agents, ready to adapt to your brand's unique tools and processes. We tap into mature labor markets to attract the top 10% of talent, often bringing experienced leadership back to frontline roles. With a third of our agents having backgrounds in supervisory, training, or quality assurance roles, we ensure top-tier expertise in every interaction

Customer support experts with 5+ years experience

We don’t practice on your customers. Our agents aren't novices; they bring a minimum of 5 years of experience, averaging 7.5 years, with many exceeding 10 years. Trained by global leaders in tech support, customer service, sales, and retention, they bring a wealth of expertise and don't require practice on your customers.

Referral only network

Our platform operates on a referral-only basis, ensuring a network of trusted, high-quality agents. This exclusive approach means every agent in our network comes highly recommended, maintaining a standard of excellence and reliability that directly benefits your operations. A ready-to-act community is ready to adopt your culture.


Agents Only operates on a global scale, providing a seamless management experience of your worldwide workforce through a single console. We have a strong presence in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Philippines, and are expanding into Colombia, India, and Greece to strategically cover all major service markets with a diverse array of languages and skills.

Diverse backgrounds

Agents Only offers a high-performance culture where agents choose projects that resonate with their passion and expertise. Imagine an e-commerce company leveraging an agent with a decade of experience at Zappos, or tech support services enriched by a former Microsoft specialist. Our agents' diverse language and regional backgrounds mean you can build a workforce that perfectly aligns with your brand.

Assess each agent

Every agent undergoes a thorough assessment process, including background checks, financial and work history scrutiny, basic skills assessment, clean PC checks, and personality testing. Additionally, we conduct tailored assessments for each project or client, ensuring the perfect fit for your specific needs.

Platform makes it easy to scale agents for your project

Our platform is designed for ease of scalability, allowing you to adjust the number of agents to suit the fluctuating demands of your project. Whether you need to ramp up quickly for a seasonal spike or scale down during slower periods, our platform offers the flexibility and efficiency to seamlessly adapt to your changing needs.

Flex survey

Engagement and improvement survey

To evaluate the engagement level of flex agents within the platform and pinpoint areas for improvement aimed at enhancing overall satisfaction, productivity, and retention, a survey was distributed to agents. A total of 950 responses were collected, encompassing perspectives from both support and agents. The primary objective of this survey is to gather crucial insights regarding their experiences working as flex agents at Agents Only.

Agent satisfaction and flexibility

The agents have conveyed a high level of satisfaction with the flexibility to work at their preferred times and from their permanent home offices. This aspect has resonated positively among the agents, as they value the freedom to schedule their tasks and conduct work during hours that suit their preferences. This flexibility emerges as a key factor contributing to the retention of flex agents within our platform.

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